Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Next Two Days

I'm going to be staring out the window for my gift baskets. Not counting yesterday but counting today I have two days of sickness. If your gift baskets don't make it in time that's okay because there's still a possibility of me throwing up. If you're going to try to send me a gift basket then please send me an email at

Gift Basket Specifics

In the gift baskets please have chocolates. I'd eat those later. Please send me something else healthy for right now that would be easier to not throw up.

I'm Sick

I am too sick and my Daddy is typing for me. My readers should send me a gift basket because it's gonna last two days. That makes me happy. I woke up in the middle of the night from a bad dream. It was the bad dream that I had with the spider/wolf/beetle. That's why I woke up and then I threw up immediately. And I have thrown up five times.